Accrediting Educational Activities for Health Professionals and Interprofessional Healthcare Teams

Below are steps to the OICHE accreditation process

The sooner the better!  You must schedule your intake at a minimum of 60 days prior to the activity start date.  It is preferred that you schedule 4-6 months prior to the start date.  This allows more time to market your activity as accredited to ensure you attract your target audience. 

When you are ready, contact OICHE at to schedule the Intake Meeting.  

  • The purpose of this meeting is to review the process and to schedule your activity for accreditation. 
  • During this meeting the activity will be assigned an OICHE Activity ID and will be scheduled for the OICHE Advisory Council meeting for review and approval.
  • OICHE DOES NOT accept accreditation applications that have not completed the intake meeting.  This is for ALL activities submitted from new and return clients. 
  • Activity Representative will be assigned a documents due date and will be scheduled for the Advisory Council Meeting during the intake meeting.   

The application and supporting documents are to be submitted according to the dates established at the Intake Meeting.

  • The full list of what is due with the application can be found on the last page of the OICHE application.   i
  • The application is always due 2 weeks prior to the scheduled OICHE Advisory Council Meeting.
  • Once the documents are received, OICHE conducts an application review prior to the Advisory Council Meeting and will work directly with the Activity Representative regarding anything that is needed or incomplete.   
  • Late submissions are not accepted unless approved by OICHE.  This due date is very important to allow our office to conduct a review and present to our Advisory Council prior to the meeting.  

  • OICHE Advisory Council meets once a month on the second Tuesday of the month.  Our goal is to keep this schedule standard, however occasionally it needs to be changed based on schedule conflicts of the council. 
  • It is required that the Activity Representative (or someone who is familiar with the activity) attend the virtual meeting.  This allows our council to ask questions or give feedback in real time and reduce the need for follow-up. 
  • The council votes to approve the activity on the call.  The vote will either be to approve, approve with modification or not approved. 

Upon approval of the activity, OICHE will send the Award Letter which includes the activity details, the  accreditation statements and logos, and follow up data submission instructions. 

We find it very helpful to have a brief meeting once the Award Letter has been sent to allow the Activity Representative to ask questions or to gain clarity on what is required in terms of compliant use of logos and statements or data submission requirements etc.

Once the activity is approved, OICHE will send an invoice via email along with the Award Letter.  The fees are due upon receipt.  OICHE Fee schedule can be found under the “Fees and Forms” tab. 

Length of accreditation depends on the type of activity that is being accredited. 

1. Course, Conference, Workshops:  Accredited for the dates specified for the activity. 

2. Course Repeating and Regularly Scheduled Series:  Accreditation is for 12 months.

3. Enduring Material:  Accreditation is for 24 months with a mid-term review at 12 months. 

  • OICHE asks that the Activity Representative contact OICHE within 60 days of activity expiration date to notify us if you will be renewing the activity or letting the accreditation lapse and next steps.  
  • If renewing, the activity must go through the accreditation process including the intake meeting.  Reaccreditation is not guaranteed and is subject to the applicable accreditation fees. 

We realize that creating and implementing an accredited educational activity can be overwhelming.  Our staff is here to support the planning team throughout the lifecycle of the activity.  We are available via email or phone when your team needs support.